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St. Joseph's Senior National School, Ballymun, Dublin 11

Green School

Green-Schools is an International environmental education programme, designed to promote and acknowledge whole school action for the environment.
Over the last number of years we have worked hard to attain our green flags. We set up a Green-Schools committee that is representative of the whole-school and is student led. It is the committee’s job to direct the operations of a school’s Green-Schools programme. Through surveys, class discussions, workshops, observation, art and field work we work hard on each of the green flag themes. The committee analyse the problems, devise action plans, measure success and maintain the changes that come up in each theme. Green-Schools cover many different aspects of the environment.

We received our first green flag for recycling. Litter and waste was chosen as the first theme because the subject is particularly relevant to and part of the curriculum. After all our hard work both students and the local community noticed improvements in the appearance and image of the school. It was also a good starting point for encouraging a sense of personal pride and responsibility.

Energy was the second theme that we undertook during the Green-Schools programme. We worked together to reduce our energy consumption at home and in school.

We were awarded our third green flag for reducing the quantity of water we used. We implemented a few simple ideas for conserving water and this dramatically reduced the annual water consumption per student within our school.

Travel is the fourth theme of the Green-Schools programme. We are currently promoting sustainable transport modes (walking, cycling, car pooling or public transport). This will also improve pupils' safety, health and fitness.
The Green-Schools programme is interesting, fun and educational. We look forward to raising our next green flag.